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Cybersecurity is not an IT issue – it’s a boardroom issue. No matter its size or industry, every company is at risk of a cybersecurity attack in today’s digital age. These attacks can come from malware, phishing scams, or data breaches and have severe consequences for a company.

I help retail businesses in the greater DC area that are challenged with unreliable business systems to improve their reliability and security to ensure their businesses hum!

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One of the main reasons why cybersecurity is a boardroom issue is because of the financial impact it can have. A single cybersecurity attack can cost a company millions of dollars in damages, including legal fees, lost business, and damage to the company’s reputation. In some cases, a company may never recover from a cybersecurity attack, which can have a long-term impact on its financial health.

Another reason why cybersecurity is a boardroom issue is that it’s everyone’s responsibility. Everyone in the company has a role to play in protecting the company’s digital assets, from the CEO to the receptionist. This means that everyone should is trained to recognize and avoid cyber threats, and there should be clear policies and procedures for handling these situations.

Finally, cybersecurity is a boardroom issue because it’s an ongoing concern. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so companies need to be vigilant in protecting themselves. This means regularly updating software and systems, conducting regular cybersecurity audits, and planning to respond to attacks.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is a boardroom issue because of its financial impact, the fact that it’s everyone’s responsibility, and the ongoing nature of the threat. Companies must prioritize cybersecurity and make it a crucial part of their business strategy.

I help retail businesses in the greater DC area that are challenged with unreliable business systems to improve their reliability and security to ensure their businesses hum!

Want to discuss your situation? No obligation! [email protected]

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